Wednesday, June 1, 2016

I can write more text adventure reviews but...

Dear Textadventuretron fans,

I can't write any more reviews unless I'm compensated somehow.  If you know any text adventure designers who would like to have a game reviewed, I'd be more than happy to try out their game on Mac or iPhone for a very reasonable fee.  I'd also be happy to post text adventure reviews for a couple bucks, literally a couple bucks, if you write about or create text adventure games.  Around 4000 views later on my Anchorhead review, I realize I need to make this a business to better keep it going.

Just email me at for details, or hell, just send me some bucks and a request, or even just a tip if you liked my Anchorhead review.  Let me know also if you'd like any kind of Textadventuretron merchandise.  You want to buy it, I'll be more than glad to make it up.  I'd also be glad to get a community going if I hear back from enough people and I can at least make a part-time or better living at it.  Stranger things have happened. :)


Thanks so much,
